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Smoking Something...

One man’s quest to eliminate marijuana prohibition.

The Marijuana Paradox:

Every word of this story is true...

however some parts may have been hallucinated


Chapter 1.  How one geek changed the world.

My name is NEXT and I am personally responsible for the end of cannabis prohibition.  You may think that is a delusion of grandeur and you are correct.  But what are we humans if not delusional?   Smoking Something is my story to tell, and I have paid dearly for the liberty of telling it.

It all started six years ago.  Back when cannabis was called marijuana, and I knew it as a wonderful companion to skiing and music festivals.  I was effectively a ski bum at the time, running a very successful technical support company in Telluride Colorado.  I defragmented hard drives and removed porn from peoples computers in the evening and slushed turns during the day.  I thought I was the luckiest fuck in the world.  I was magnificently happily married, had more customers than time to help them, and loved my life.

Under a beautiful starry sky in Tucson Arizona, I declared to G-d that I am the luckiest man on earth.  Less than a week later I was in the ICU with peritonitis and my life irrevocably changed.

During the course of my recovery I learned that cannabis is a medicine which has no pharmaceutical equal. I believed it was my job to build the computer system that proved its value as a medicine, as a tax revenue source, and as diversion control system to placate the governments that feared it.

Smoking Something is Cheech and Chong meets The Wiz Kid.  Its Silver Linings Playbook meets The Social Network. Its the worlds best manifester meets his own hubris.  Its a comedy and a tragedy.

Sign up on my mailing list and I will send you an email when its ready for publication.  Until then, thank you for visiting.
I am grateful you are here. 

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